New International Football Partnership To Develop Grassroots Football & Coaching Badges in Asian Countries Announced
The chance of future football stars being Asian players has improved with news of an innovative partnership signed between Welsh football, UK and Karhya International Football Academy (KIFA).
Bristol, September 28, 2020 -- To benefit many grassroots players in India and the rest of Asia, Karhya International Football Academy (KIFA) has signed an innovative deal with the Football Association of Wales (FAW) Trust, UK. It will mean not only more opportunities for Indian football players to develop their skills, but also improved support for anyone in the country who wants to develop football coaching proficiency. It is hoped that other Asian countries will get on board with KIFA to take advantage of its valuable international contacts and support.
David Adams, Technical Director of the Football Association of Wales, UK has said that he was delighted to partner with Karhya International Football Academy (KIFA) to develop football talents in Asia.
KIFA spokesperson Prabu K added: "Creating football grassroots development opportunities across nations like this can be of mutual benefit. Importantly for Asian countries, it provides far greater access to football coaching badges, programmes to develop player skills and football trials. Would like to request Asian education, sporting and community bodies to get in touch with team, KIFA, to see how they can benefit from these opportunities.”
The new partnership between KIFA and the FAW Trust means that alongside player and coach development programmes (based on British international football training standards) other programmes to promote careers in football can now be created in Asia. The deal will also open the door for International Football Internships as well as joint events, seminars and tournaments.
Background to the partnership
KIFA is an English football academy with a firm foothold in India. It benefits from the involvement of both ex-English football league players, and Indian football veterans. The organisation supports football excellence in both India and England.
Facilitated by Lurnable, UK, this new tie-up with the Welsh football infrastructure is an important milestone in KIFA’s ability to deliver its programmes – benefiting communities, schools, colleges, universities and local football academies and leagues.
Wales is world-renowned for its rugby prowess, but also has a long and prestigious record in the world of competitive football. The Football Association of Wales can trace its origins back to 1876 – making it the third-oldest football association in the world.
In 2016, it became the smallest nation by population to reach the UEFA European Championship semi-finals. Just one of a long list of accomplishments, including qualifying for UEFA Euro 2020.
The Football Association of Wales is the governing body of football and futsal in the country and manages the Wales National team (men and women). It is a member of FIFA, UEFA and IFAB.
The Trust is the charitable arm of the FAW, established to promote football through community support, player development and improved access to coaching.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
New Back the Blue Dog Walk Fundraiser Event Supports Local Police Heros
Shenandoah German Shepherds/Working Dog Wellness and Suzanne's Dog Training joins hands to support police with first ever Back the Blue dog walk fundraiser event.
Lagrangeville, New York, USA., September 29, 2020 -- Shenandoah German Shepherds/Working Dog Wellness and Suzanne's Dog Training, two women owned businesses in the Hudson Valley joined hands with clients, friends and local community businesses for the first First Annual Back The Blue Dog Walk to express support for the police. The dog walk held on August 30, 2020 at beautiful Red Wing Park In Lagrangeville NY raised $4318.00 all going to the Dutchess County Sheriffs PBA.
Back the Blue is an activism campaign focused on building community support for local police officers. With radical leftist protesters constantly vilifying local police heroes, Back the Blue campaign stand up and defend their honor. Back the Blue and Blue Lives Matter are counter movement in the United States advocating that those who are prosecuted and convicted of killing law enforcement officers should be sentenced under hate crime statutes. It was started in response to Black Lives Matter after the homicides of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu in Brooklyn, New York on December 20, 2014.
“It started with a conversation. It started with wanting to DO something to let our police know how much we support them. No politics, No drama, just wanting to DO something...We at Shenandoah German Shepherds/Working Dog Wellness and Suzanne's Dog Training, put our heads together and went to work. Our fabulous Clients, Friends and local community businesses came together for the First Annual Back The Blue Dog Walk!” - Fran Vaccaro, Shenandoah German Shepherds/Working Dog Wellness.
The dog walk was held at on August 30, 2020 at beautiful Red Wing Park In Lagrangeville NY. It was a perfect weather for the dogs and dog owners who walked the miles of trails. They watched jaw dropping K9 demos put on by Pyramid Ring Sport Team and their own Douglas County School District k9 teams. Dogs were able to try Lure Coursing and Frisbee as well as test for their AKC CGC and Trick dog titles!
Local dog businesses provided hands on demos while others donated gift cards, baskets full of prizes and services that helped the fund raiser event raise $4318.00 all going to the Dutchess County Sheriffs PBA. They accomplished exactly what they wanted! "We Back the Blue" fund raiser dog walk was a great day for like minded people to have FUN with their dogs and create a relaxed, supportive place for the Deputies to stop by and take a deep breath! “We Back the Blue!”
A special thanks from event organizers to all those in their community who came out to walk and volunteers up in the trails and at the front gate, especially Jeff and Judy Defrice who checked everyone in to ensure a fun safe time for all. Thanks to Hudson Valley businesses such as Tops Supermarket, Zoes, Price Rite Liquor, Athena Gyro, Daily Planet, Pet Supplies Plus and Red Wing donated gift cards and services to provide a fun filled way of showing thanks and gratitude.
Businesses such as Hudson Valley Dumpsters who joined the event offered their services. Among the Sponsors that shared their goods and services were Hudson Valley Dumpster who raffled off a dumpster and Feeny Ship yard, who provided the t shirts adorned with all the logos of the local companies that played a role in creating such a wonderful day. K9 clubs such as Hudson Valley Coursing Club, K9 Aqua sports Club, Idle paws, Lilly Bear Dog Treats, K9 Fit For Life, helped dog owners watch and learn their disciplines with hands on demos.
Cheesecake Heaven, Pack Leader Pet Food, Veterinary House Calls On A Go, Dawgfit k9 fitness and Rehabilitation were present in the event to answer questions and provide information of their services that they provide with in the community. Event was beautifully photographed by the Editor and Photographer Margaret Fox of the prestigious magazine Dogs Outside the Ring.
Jaw dropping dog demos from Pyramid Ring Sport Team Shannon Maeurer and skilled Decoy Kellen David, showed the amazing work in French Ring dog disciplining to the cheering socially distanced, masked onlookers. Visitors are thrilled to see the K9 from Local Dutchess County Sherrif’s office show off their vast amount of skills in tracking, protection and apprehension.
Shenandoah German Shepherds/Working Dog Wellness and Suzanne's Dog Training thanks everyone who made the dog walk fundraiser event a total success. After the grand success of this event they have already started planning for a bigger event next year.
About Shenandoah German Shepherds:
Shenandoah German Shepherds are the proud owners of a beautiful German Shepherd brood named Tia. Tia is the foundation Brood, she was imported from Slovakia. Our shepherds live in our home, and roam & play on a daily basis on our 2 acres of property. Shenandoah German Shepherds have such an admiration & love of this breed. We offer fun group classes to achieve our german shepherd breed specific disciplines in our dog training program. We also offer all breed pet training recognized by American Kennel Club to achieve certification using our customized downloadable training modules with and one on one coaching with our skilled working dog trainers.
About Working Dog Wellness:
Working dog wellness is a holistic approach to training your dog to achieve American Kennel Club training titles. We also customize a plan to help those who are looking to train a specific task for those who are looking to achieve service dog training, with our skilled NYS licensed & insured trainers at our physical group class locations.
Friday, September 25, 2020
The Polisario under Fire from one of their Own
Another blow to the so called leader of the Polisario, Brahim Ghali who is already under attack and criticism because of the revelations on the massive diversion of humanitarian aid and the mismanagement of the Tindouf camps.
Berlin, Germany., September 26, 2020 -- The front polisario leadership is greatly embarrassed by the intention of a former officer of their military secret services, Mahamud Embarec, now based in Belgium, who threatens to reveal details on a blog about "corruption, nepotism and tribalism" which plagues the leadership of the polisario. The former Saharawi officer made this announcement in Brussels. He specified that he intends to disclose, "from A to Z ,all the details" of his work in the so-called military intelligence services of the polisario,.
According to the ex-secret agent Mahamud Embarec, Spanish organizations supporting the separatists will be "shocked by the many secrets about their friends in the polisario. He also announced that "From now on, this blog will become a cannon to launch salvos against the polisario leadership and its henchmen". Mahamud Embarec stated that he intends to take revenge on the so-called representative of the polisario in Brazil, M'Bairik Ahmed following his affaire with a Brazilian woman under the name of Maia Tiane.
After getting exposed in the blog, M’Bairik filed a complaint with the Brussels Court of First Instance against Mahamud Embarec for alleged “defamation, insults and contempt” in the wake of the scandal raised by the Brazilian Maia Tiane. On October 27, 2020, the Belgian Court will rule on this complaint. This scandal and the revelations that the former secret agent intends to spread on his blog, represents a painful blow to the so called leader of the Polisario, Brahim Ghali who is already under attack and criticism because of the revelations on the massive diversion of humanitarian aid and the mismanagement of the Tindouf camps.
About Friends of Morocco:
Friends of Morocco (FOM), active since 1988, is an organisation of Americans and Europeans, mostly returned volunteers, with experience in Morocco with an interest in promoting political, educational, cultural, charitable, social, literary and scientific exchanges between Morocco and the rest of the world. FOM is a non profit organisation with the headquarter is in the USA and chapters around the world. The main objective of Friends of Morocco is to promote Morocco and to build bridges and connect people who have fallen in Love with this country, adopted its culture and made it their 2nd home. Friends of Morocco is a nonprofit organization with branches around the world.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Az online home&deco szektor vezető globális szereplője törekvő, merész tervekkel lép be a magyar piacra
Hungary., Szeptember 2020 -- A home&deco szaküzleteinek ajánlatait összegyűjtő BIANO platform öt éve indult Csehországban. 5 év és 5 új ország után, most Magyarországra is betört a BIANO. Útjára indult tehát a platform. A BIANO képviselői szerint, 2020 végéig havi 600.000 eurós rendeléseket hoznak a magyarországi online üzleteknek a home&deco részlegről.
A egy inspirációs oldal a home&deco kedvelőknek, vagy ha úgy tetszik egy onlinei gyűjtőfelület azok számára akiknek a belső építészet, a belső lakberendezés a szenvedélye. A platformon mesterséges inteligenciai eszközöket és fejlett módszereket használnak annak érdekében, hogy a vevőknek zökkenőmentesen menjen az online vásárlás. A végfelhasználó egy helyen, online láthatja majd a home&deco magyar és nemzetközi kereskedőinek ajánlatait és szükség, igény szerint szűrni tudja a keresett terméket.
Egy exkluzív lehetőség amit a ajánl, az a képszerinti keresés. Ez a felhasználónak lehetőséget nyújt, hogy akár számítógépről, akár okostelefonról feltöltse a keresett termék fotóját a oldalra. Pár másodpercen belül a funkció megkeresi azt a terméket, vagy ahhoz hasonlót, és a kereső láthatja a listáján szereplő összes magyarországi home & deco üzlet, és partner ajánlatát a kért termékre.
A részletes leírása - koncepció, listázott üzletek, bemutatott termékek és keresési útmutató
A BIANO a hazai home & deco elektronikai üzletek teljes választékát célba veszi, a termékek méretétől és mennyiségétől függetlenül, minden ami házhoz kell. A BIANO arra szolgál, hogy növekvő bevételhez, és nagyobb reklámhoz juttassa azokat a partnerüzleteket amelyek a platformon listázzák, népszerűsítik termékeiket, valamint az értékesítést kiterjeszthessék azokban az országokban is, ahol a BIANO jelen van - Csehország, Románia, Szlovákia, Hollandia, Brazília és hamarosan - Portugália.
A BIANO fő elképzelése, célja, hogy ösztökélje a magyar vásárlókat is arra, hogy online vásárolják meg a szükséges bútorokat, berendezési kellékeket, dekorációkat. A BIANO képviselők állítják, hogy az általuk biztosított online-felületen egyszerűen, és nagyszerűen történik a vásárlás.
A 2020 augusztus elején indult online home & deco keresőplatform olyan ismert nemzetközi szaküzletek ajánlatait gyűjtötte össze mint pld. a Vida XL, az Expedo, a Bonami, a 4home, a Butlers. Vannak már nevezetes magyar partnerek is a Bútorpiac, AliBútor, Babszem, Borállványshop, Brimo - és a lista nő.
A magyarországi bevezetésről szóló döntés kiterjedt kutatások eredményeként jött létre, de a magyar piacon is működő nemzetközi BIANO partnerek részéről érkező kérések, igények is indokolták a elindítását. Látván a BIANO-n keresztül elért eredményeket a más piacokon, a Magyarországon is operáló üzleteknek fontos volt, hogy létezzen egy olyan oldal is, ahová üzletük felkerülhessen. És a tökéletes erre.
Csupán másfél hónappal az indulás után a platform már 500.000 terméket tartalmaz. A magyar látogatók eddig főleg szezonális termékeket kerestek otthonaik berendezésére, díszítésére. Például kanapékat vagy szekrényeket, valamint ajándékokat egy új házba, vagy akár az Ünnepekre (lakásdíszek, hagyományos, jellegzetes ünnepi kellékek, ágyneműk, stb. ). Az első keresések fotók felhasználásával történtek azon a képkereső eszközön amelyet a indított kizárólag a magyarországi home & deco szegmens számára.
A magyar vevők vásárlási élményének nővelése a BIANO-n keresztül
Tekintettel arra, hogy a magyar online vásárló nagyon megfontolt, és vásárlás előtt a teljes piaci kínálatot végignézi, a BIANO lehetővé teszi számára a könnyebb, elérhetőbb böngészést, hisz ezen az oldalon több online home & deco szaküzlet ajánlata található egy helyen. A felhasználók az igényeknek megfelelően szűrhetik a termékeket, a BIANO pedig a mesterséges inteligencia eszközeivel a legjobb áron találja meg a kért terméket. Ugyanakkor, egy felhasználó létrehozhat egy rövid listát is a kedvelt termékekkel, vagy a képkereső eszköz segítségével is megtalálhatja a neki tetsző bútordarabot. Ehhez csupán a termékről készült fotót kell feltöltenie a BIANO-ra.
Bár a nincs szállítási szolgáltatása, a jelenlegi koronavírus létben a BIANO magyarországi csapata külön figyel arra, hogy a helyi partnerek megfelelően kezelik a kialakult helyzetet, és az előírt biztonsági óvintézkedéseket betartva történik a termék kiszállítása. A BIANO csapata mindent figyelemmel követ, naprakész információkkal látja el partnereit, hírleveleket küld a piaci helyzetről, a biztonsági előírásokról, vagy a kézbesítési szolgáltatással kapcsolatos változásokról. Utóbbiról a oldalon már regisztrált ügyfeleket is értesítik. (ezek létszáma már négyjegyű számmal írható).
Több vásárló, mégtöbb értékesítés, ha a BIANO-n regisztrál
A 2020 végéig havi 600.000 eurónyi megrendelést céloz a platformon regisztrált üzleti partnereknek.
Michael Zelinka, CEO
"A magyar online vásárlók a legjobb ár-érték arányt keresik. Számunkra Magyarországon is a fő kihívás, bevonzani a célközönséget, nagyrészt azokat a nőket, akiket minden érdekel ami otthonukat meghittebbé és kényelmesebbé teszi. Tehát ők kell elsősorban rátaláljanak és használják a, a home&deco ihletforrását, fő rendeltetési helyét. Ugyanakkor rendkívül optimisták vagyunk, hisz a platformon regisztrált felhasználók száma napról napra nő, most már négyjegyűek vagyunk. A magyar felhasználó olyan online home&deco üzleteket keres, amelyek a jó árú mellett minőségi szolgáltatást is biztosítanak. Mint például saját bútorszállítás, szerelés, vagy a nem megfelelő termékek rövid időn belől történő cseréje.”
BIANO, globális szinten háromszoros bevételnövekedés 2020 végére 2019-hez képest
2019-ben a BIANO több mint 1200 nemzetközi üzleti partnernek több mint 50 millió euró bevételt generált a platformain listázott több mint 4 millió home&deco termékkel. 2020-ban a vállalat világszerte 150 millió euró bevételt hoz a partnereknek, kibővítve az otthoni kiegészítők online vásárlóinak közösségét, egyszerűsítve a felhasználók számára a bútortermékek kiválasztásának folyamatát inteligens funkciókkal, új nemzetközi trendek jelzésével, akár közösségi platformokon keresztül történő vásárlással, mint például az Instagram Shopping segítségével.
Egy másik exkluzív megközelítés a bútorok és kiegészítők online vásárlásához: a BIANO közösségi hálózatait ötletforrásnak használja fel, valamint egy tökéletes, hatékony ügyfélszolgálati tanácsadási csatornának.
Founder of IP Moment Services, Dr Paresh C. Dave Nominated for the India500 Quality Leader Award 2020
FOUNDER OF IP MOMENT Services, DR. Paresh C. Dave Nominated for the "India500 Quality Leader Award - 2020"
New Delhi, Delhi, India, September 22, 2020 -- Paresh C. Dave who is Founder & MD of IP Moment Services, small IP boutique based out of New Delhi, India. India's biggest business awards, India5000 have recognized the contributions and achievements of Dr. Paresh C. Dave, and have nominated his name for "India500 Quality Leader Award - 2020".
India5000 has CNBC Awaaz as Media Partner and BSE SME as Supporting Partner. India5000’s Jury board panel comprises of eminent personalities from various industrialists, knowledge partner (TQV) and other audit partners. Dr. Paresh has delivered more than 50 live webinars in the last six months on various non-profit organization’s platforms. IP Moment is also offering free online short term courses in the field of intellectual property rights. These courses and online webinars have also received very positive feedback and appreciation from the participants. Overall more than 10000+ participants have joined these courses and webinars.
“IP Moment” is working with the corporate, start-ups and individual inventors to maximize their IP potential of technical disclosures, and developing strategic intellectual property assets. Also helped companies to identify, protect, and maintain their IP including Patents, trademarks, and copyrights. Dr. Dave has drafted more than 500+ patent applications and filed in various jurisdictions such as the USA, Canada, Australia, and India. Working very closely with international clients and providing IP consultancy. Dr. Dave has also published two books in the field of IPR.
About IP Moment:
At IP Moment, the services that they provide include patent filing, patent prosecution, patent searching, trademark prosecution, trademark filing, design filing, intellectual property rights consultancy, etc. The professionals at IP moment, understand the value of a person’s intellectual property and the importance of it as well, that is why they thrive to maintain and are committed to ensuring the intellectual property confidential as well as undertake the responsibility of keeping the clients information secure.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Joint Statement; Libyan Dialogue: Comprehensive Agreement on Transparent and Objective Criteria and Mechanisms to Occupy Posts of Sovereignty
Libyan Dialogue; Bouznika , Morocco - The delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament announced at the end of their meetings, that they reached a comprehensive agreement on the transparent and objective criteria and mechanisms to occupy the posts of Sovereignty.
Berlin, Germany., September 21, 2020 -- According to a joint statement read by Driss Omran of the Libyan House of Representatives, in the presence of minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, the delegations of the Libyan High Council of State and the Tobruk Parliament announced at the end of their meetings in Bouznika Morocco, that they reached a comprehensive agreement on the transparent and objective criteria and mechanisms to occupy the posts of Sovereignty. Both parties also agreed to continue this dialogue and to resume these meetings during the last week of September. The objective is to complete the necessary measures to ensure the implementation and activation of this agreement.
The two parties to the dialogue called on the UN and the international community to support Morocco's efforts to create the right conditions and a conducive climate to achieve a comprehensive political solution in Libya. They also reiterated their thanks and gratitude to the Kingdom and to King Mohammed VI for the support and assistance to overcome the Libyan crisis. These talks aim at achieving the hopes of the Libyan people and their aspirations to build a civil and democratic State that is governed by peace, security and stability.
The two delegations also affirmed that their meetings took place in "a friendly and fraternal atmosphere marked by understanding and consensus". These talks were held as a result of the two Libyan delegations' awareness of the current situation in the country, as extremely dangerous situation is threatening its security, territorial integrity and sovereignty. this situation has become worse following foreign interventions that only revive war, regional and ideological alignments.
Both parties also emphasized that these meetings take place in accordance with Article 15 of the Libyan political agreement reached in Skhirat, Morocco and following the conclusions of the Berlin conference. In addition, these talks took place on the basis of the relevant Security Council resolutions. The foreign intervention in the the Libyan affairs caused a division of the political and institutional powers and caused the citizens to lose confidence in the legislative and executive institutions.
About Friends of Morocco:
Friends of Morocco (FOM), active since 1988, is an organization of Americans and Europeans, mostly returned volunteers, with experience in Morocco with an interest in promoting political, educational, cultural, charitable, social, literary and scientific exchanges between Morocco and the rest of the world. FOM is a non profit organization with the headquarter is in the USA and chapters around the world. The main objective of Friends of Morocco is to promote Morocco and to build bridges and connect people who have fallen in Love with this country, adopted its culture and made it their 2nd home. Friends of Morocco is a nonprofit organization with branches around the world.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Ideanomics Reported July & August Electric Vehicle (EV) Unit Sales
Ideanomics is pleased to announce its Mobile Energy Global (MEG) division's activity from the period starting July 1, 2020, and ending August 31, 2020.
New York, United States., September, 17, 2020 -- Ideanomics (NASDAQ: IDEX) ("Ideanomics" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its Mobile Energy Global (MEG) division's activity from the period starting July 1, 2020, and ending August 31, 2020.
MEG activities during the period of July 1, 2020 through August 31, 2020 were as follows:
Vehicle Type Units Invoiced Units Delivered
Heavy Trucks - - 25
Taxis/Ride-Hailing 557 178
"Units Delivered" refers to vehicles which have been delivered to customers, and Ideanomics has obtained the delivery notes. "Units Invoiced (pending expected delivery)" refers to customer orders where sales invoices have been issued and units ordered are still pending expected delivery. Delivery dates vary according to the type of vehicle and manufacturer availability.
The US GAAP accounting treatment for the anticipated revenue from the above orders will not be finalized until the order transactions complete. Consequently, the revenue may be reported on a Gross or Net basis and some portion may be deferred to future accounting periods.
About Ideanomics:
Ideanomics is a global company that facilitates the adoption of commercial electric vehicles and supports next-generation financial services and fintech products. Our electric vehicle division, Mobile Energy Global (MEG) provides group purchasing discounts on commercial electric vehicles, EV batteries and electricity, as well as financing and charging solutions; we refer to this business model as sales to financing to charging (S2F2C). Ideanomics Capital provides fintech services that include intelligent and innovative solutions powered by AI and blockchain. Together, MEG and Ideanomics Capital provide our global customers and partners with more efficient solutions for a greener economy.
The company is headquartered in New York, NY, with offices in Beijing, Guangzhou, and Qingdao, and operations in the U.S., China, Ukraine, and Malaysia.
Auto Recyclers in Wellington Are Making the Huge Difference in Recycling
New Zealand is an untouched beauty when it comes to the environment and auto recyclers in Wellington. They are contributing their part when it comes to offer environmentally friendly auto dismantling and recycling services. Auto Wreckers in New Zealand are making sure that vehicle disposal process should be done in a safe way and must follow the government rules and regulations.
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand., September 17, 2020 -- The fact that vehicle recyclers pay so much cash for cars could be because they use such a perfect process for deciding how much a car is worth. The make, model, age and condition are all considered before they arrive at a final price offer. No one can’t get much more objective, fair and accurate while retaining the edge of generosity than that.
Safe Vehicle Recycling for All Sorts of Vehicles
The Wellington Wreckers have been able to keep their used parts inventory completely stocked, thanks to their dedication to buying every car, SUV, truck, 4x4 and van that comes their way. Their range is massive, with parts that have been hand selected from junk vehicles for their quality and good condition. Auto dismantlers don’t forget to give them a good testing before adding them to their inventory either. Anyone looking for the perfect replacement part will have all their prayers answered by their huge selection.
Cost Free Unwanted Vehicle Services
Car removal Wellington firms may not be able to boast such success if it weren’t for their dedication to providing free removal to everyone who sells. It is of the most importance to them that every one of their customers looks back on the experience of selling to them, and remembers the sheer level of convenience that they receive. One way that achieves this result every time is to not only remove the car personally, using their own equipment, but to take on the costs themselves.
Free removal doesn’t merely result in higher levels of convenience. It means that the person selling the vehicle to cash for cars service gets the most money out of the deal. Hidden charges such as removal costs will only work to eat into the cash payment that they make.
In conclusion, the vehicle recyclers dedication to making sure each customer gets the gold star treatment is most likely why this year has been such a booming year for these businesses. They will put in the same hard yards next year and then some, and no doubt continue to dominate all the competition. People can’t ask for much more than that, but they can do more, and they will!
About Kiwi Auto Wreckers:
Kiwi Auto Wreckers are dedicated Car Removal Wellington service and Top Auto Wreckers who pay best cash for cars in Wellington and offer the free car removal service through Lower Hutt, Upper Hutt, Porirua, Palmerston North, Kapiti Coast and Wairarapa District. Contact Us Today. We buy cars, trucks, Utes, vans, 4wds and commercial vehicles for the best price and offer same day pickups across Lower North Island. We buy vehicles in any condition including scrap, damaged, mechanically faulty, blown head gasket and unwanted. Book a free scrap car removal service with Kiwi Auto Wreckers today!
Sunday, September 13, 2020
US Capital Global Portfolio Company Transforms Parisian Arts Venue into Thriving Street Food Pop-Up During COVID-19 Era
Prestigious Parisian arts venue funded by San Francisco-based private financial group finds creative and lucrative solution to the COVID-19 crisis by reinventing itself through open-air, futuristic, socially distanced street food pop-ups.
San Francisco, California, USA., September 14, 2020 -- Manifesto Holding PLC (“Manifesto”), one of US Capital Global’s portfolio companies, is a UK-based parent company that owns a host of highly popular arts, music, and culture clubs in Paris, including Wanderlust, Beau Regard, and Joséphine, among others. Despite the COVID-19 crisis, which has forced many hospitality venues around the world to close their doors, Wanderlust, the famous Parisian nightclub boasting the largest terrace in Paris, has impressed investors and club fans alike by reinventing itself into an open-air, futuristic, socially distanced street food pop-up, complete with live DJing and celebrity chefs.
Situated in the 13th arrondissement with unobstructed views of the Seine, Wanderlust is accustomed to over 4000 guests each evening, and since the relaunch of its new incarnation as a street food pop-up, the numbers have remained high.
“From the very beginning of confinement, we understood that the club may have to remain closed for a large portion of the year, so we started creating a new format,” explained Manifesto CEO and founder of Wanderlust, Arnaud Frisch. “We’ve designed a system to ensure safe, socially-distanced dining through mandatory pre-booking, ordering and payment via our online menu, and a QR code directing customers to their seat. Utilizing technology has reduced queuing times, and our staff save time too. We’re looking to keep this system in place beyond the confinement and develop it in the future.”
Celebrity chef Alexia Duchêne, known for her role on season ten of Top Chef, is the well-loved face of Wanderlust Street Food. “Alexia was our first choice because she embodies the values we seek to promote through Wanderlust,” said Frisch. “We strive for a young, fresh approach, serving an enticing, sustainable menu with locally-sourced ingredients in solidarity with small French businesses.”
Waste-reduction is an essential part of Wanderlust Street Food’s model, and aside from using biodegradable dishware and cutlery, all surplus food is distributed through the Too Good To Go app.
“When we take on a portfolio company, we look at the management team and see if they have the creativity to adapt to changing social and economic challenges,” said Jeffrey Sweeney, Chairman and CEO at US Capital Global. “In 2019, US Capital Global anchored a term loan syndication for Manifesto from its own balance sheet. Manifesto’s leadership has demonstrated ingenuity and nimbleness, responding to unfavorable circumstances by generating new sustainable avenues for their venues, staff, and clientele. As a result, they continue to thrive and inspire others during this COVID-19 crisis.”
About Manifesto Holding PLC:
Manifesto Holding PLC is a UK-based parent company for the prestigious Paris nightclubs Wanderlust and Silencio, among others. Establishing revolutionary arts and culture spaces throughout the city, Manifesto’s various venues play host to a dynamic selection of cutting-edge music, arts, film, and fashion events. Working closely with London’s V&A, Cannes, Art Basel, and the Venice Biennale, Manifesto continues to impress with its progressive artistic vision, attracting a community of celebrated artists and thinkers, and promoting the appreciation of culture and cultural diversity.
About US Capital Global:
Established in 1998, US Capital Global leverages the latest FinTech and RegTech innovation to provide sophisticated debt, equity, and investment products to lower middle market companies and investors. The US Capital Global group manages direct investment funds and provides wealth management and capital raise services through its registered broker-dealer affiliate, US Capital Global Securities LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, which acts as a registered placement agent for companies, funds, and projects.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Morocco Talks Pave the Way for New Transitional Phase in Libya
Conflict in Libya: Morocco hosts reconciliation talks between Libyan parties in the framework of UNSMIL and calls for the end of foreign interference in Libya.
Berlin, Germany., September 11, 2020 -- As of septembre 6th, the Kingdom of Morocco succeeded in bringing together the Libyan belligerents after a long period of blocking the political process. This meeting, between the delegation of the Chamber of Representatives and that of the High Council of State, is the culmination of a dynamic diplomatic initiative under the leadership of the King of Morocco. The objective is to bridge the conflict between the Libyan parties and bring them back to the negotiating table.
These talks are part of the strengthening of the UN process and therefore fall within the framework of the UNSMIL vision and do not constitute an initiative parallel to the UN process. This meeting was organized in Bouznika, 40 km south of Rabat, under the chairmanship of the Moroccan Foreign Minister. This latter called for an end to foreign interference.
Last July, the Kingdom of Morocco hosted two Libyan leaders, Salah Aguilah, president of the Parliament of Tobruk, and Khaled Al Mechril, president of the Libyan High Council of State, for reconciliation. The UN has been trying to resolve the issue of foreign interference in Libya and on August 27, Ms Stéphanie Williams, Special Representative and Interim Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya visited Morocco and praised the support provided by King Mohammed VI to the efforts made by the United Nations to solve the Libyan crisis.
About Friends of Morocco:
Friends of Morocco (FOM), active since 1988, is an organisation of Americans and Europeans, mostly returned volunteers, with experience in Morocco with an interest in promoting political, educational, cultural, charitable, social, literary and scientific exchanges between Morocco and the rest of the world. FOM is a non profit organisation with the headquarter is in the USA and chapters around the world. The main objective of Friends of Morocco is to promote Morocco and to build bridges and connect people who have fallen in Love with this country, adopted its culture and made it their 2nd home. Friends of Morocco is a nonprofit organization with branches around the world.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Bristol Startup to Work with GCHQ to Reveal Fake News
Geollect is to be mentored on an AI scheme to help communities and businesses.
Bristol, England., September 10, 2020 -- Bristol-based tech startup Geollect is one of 10 companies chosen to take part in a special mentoring programme being run by the UK’s intelligence, security and cyber agency.
The aim of the scheme is to develop creative products based on data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques that have the potential to help communities and businesses.
From helping to prevent the spread of fake news to countering people trafficking, Geollect hope to make a real difference in the UK and the US with their work.
A GCHQ spokesperson said the programme will play a crucial role in helping to keep UK businesses and consumers safe:
“This 12-week programme will give these companies, using cutting-edge tech, unique access to GCHQ technologists to help hone their products – from helping to prevent the spread of fake news to countering people trafficking,” they added.
The GCHQ Innovation Co-Lab is a joint venture with The Landing, a tech mentorship hub based in MediaCityUK in Greater Manchester and global tech accelerator UP Ventures.
Emer Coleman, project director at UP said: “Our goal is to help emerging businesses make technical and commercial breakthroughs with their ingenious products and services by giving them access to world-class GCHQ technologists as well as industry experts and dedicated coaches.”
As part of the programme, Geollect will be working with GCHQ software engineers and scientists to develop their innovative media insight and sentiment analysis tool called MOSAIC. The platform uses machine learning and automation to process vast amounts of open source data from the internet. It provides an understanding of the sources of information in society and how different narratives and fake news spread.
Geollect specialises in using machine learning and geospatial intelligence techniques to collect, analyse and visualise vast amounts of data. They work with customers in defence, cruise lines and insurance to develop software that simplifies complex information and puts it in an easy to understand format that aids decision-making.
CEO Cate Gwilliam said the company’s selection represents a huge opportunity to learn from some great minds, “we want to use this as a springboard to scale our machine learning solutions to the next level and make a real difference in the UK and the US. We’ve generated significant interest in our software and we’re excited to use the Co-Lab to further validate our capabilities.”
For interviews and more information please contact / 00447766522305
AQUA - A Medical Mystery Created and Photographed by GEMMA LEVINE Published on 15 October 2020 at £15
AQUA is a unique and illuminating way for people to understand the lymphatic system. Each photograph is a different representation of water, accompanied by captions from Professor Peter Mortimer, Lymphatics expert at St George’s Hospital, London, to explain the biology behind the condition. All proceeds from book sales go to Lymphoedema research, in partnership with St George’s Hospital Charity. Foreword by PROFESSOR PETER MORTIMER MD FRCP, Preface by DAME JUDI DENCH, Endorsed by The Prime Minister BORIS JOHNSON.
Sherwood, Nottingham, United Kingdom., September 10, 2020 -- In 2010, leading photographer GEMMA LEVINE was diagnosed with breast cancer; after months of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, she made a full recovery, but discovered a swelling in her right arm. This was the beginning of a life with Lymphoedema, a chronic and debilitating disease. Caused by damage to the lymphatic system during surgery, cancer treatment or injury, or inherited, it is a build up of fluid in the body tissues. As a result of the disease, Gemma’s right arm does not function. Her right arm has restrictive movement and she is constantly bound in a compression sleeve. From the moment she contracted the disease her life changed dramatically. Instantly unable to use her cameras and photography equipment, she now relies upon a much lighter iPad and iPhone to combat her disability and enable her to continue her career.
About Gemma Levine:
Since the mid 1970s, Gemma Levine has been photographing the British Establishment in her signature black-and-white style. Her photographs are regularly reproduced in newspapers and magazines and several have become iconic. Her portrait of Diana was chosen by the Palace as the Princess’s official photograph of 1995 and some of her portraits of prime ministers and other famous British personalities are featured in the National Portrait Gallery.
With a gift for creating unobtrusive settings that reflect the individual style of her sitters, Gemma Levine’s career has encompassed hundreds of encounters with the most well-known and fascinating people in Britain. As Sir John Gielgud said, ‘It is an unexpected pleasure to submit oneself to an artist whom one can relax with on such easy terms and whose pictures are so successfully expressive.’ Her unique relationship with the sculptor Henry Moore led her to create intimate photographs of his working practices over a ten-year period, until his death in 1986. These insightful and personal images documenting his creative process are now held at Tate Britain, where Gemma Levine lectures on the sculptor, providing invaluable insights into his work during his later years. Through the years from 1974-1978 she photographed the landscape of Israel and its people, including Menachim Begin, Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin. Gemma has also published 22 books and had 60 exhibitions, including a celebration of 25 years of her work at the National Portrait Gallery in 2001. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.
Gemma has worked solidly to raise awareness for lymphoedema research, publishing a bestselling book, Let’s Talk Lymphoedema, co authored by Professor Peter Mortimer. Now 81 years old, she is a trustee of the Lymphoedema Research Fund Charity.
For further information, a review copy or to request an interview, please contact Gemma on 07957 244475 or
To purchase a copy of the book please contact Helena Copsey at St George’s Hospital on 07841 447620 or visit
About PhysioPod UK Limited:
PhysioPod UK Limited was established in 2006 and they are the UK & Ireland Distributor for the range of medical products from PHYSIOMED in Germany. PhysioPod UK Limited and Physio Equipment UK are leading the way in rehabilitation, sports and aesthetic medicine in the UK and Ireland with the latest physiotherapy products and innovative technical solutions. Offering an excellent price-performance ratio as well as new therapeutic approaches. In 2012, they became Approve NHS and AACP Suppliers. The Sisters and Directors of PhysioPod, Julie Soroczyn and Mary Fickling passionately promote Lymphoedema awarness and help Practitioners and those living with Lymphoedema to utiliise non-invasive Deep Oscillation Therapy for electrostatic lymphatic drainage.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Diversified Partners Presents Mercy Medical Center
Diversified Partners- Closing of Escrow- Mercy Medical Center coming soon to Val Vista & Mercy. Space is available for lease.
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States., August 28, 2020 -- Diversified Partners and Andy and Colleen Jackson are proud to bring a world-class 11-acre Mixed Use Project to the Val Vista Medical Growth Corridor located at the Southeast corner of Val Vista Drive and Mercy Road, just south of Santan Loop 202. This first-class Mixed-Use Project will have two, two story retail/office buildings with drive-through for banking and restaurants fronting Val Vista Rd with almost 50,000 SF available as well as two proposed 5-story medical office buildings.
A main grand drive entrance will bisect the proposed buildings, and the second story will connect both lower and upper floors. This is in addition to additional acreage recently acquired at S.E.C. Val Vista and Melrose, where Speedway Gas will make a new home. This project is surrounded by multiple office and medical projects opening mid-2021.
“I am so excited to be involved with such a great project. This project was originally envisioned and started by the amazing Bill and Sherry Lund and we have been blessed with the task of taking it over the goal line. In a joint venture with long-time residents Andy and Colleen Jackson, Diversified Partners is proud to bring major development to Gilbert Arizona. Diversified Partners has had an amazing relationship with the Town of Gilbert, and we are so excited to make a project of which the town and the community can be proud.”
-Walt Brown, Jr.
Space is currently available for lease.
Medical Space- JLL Team
Katire McIntyre, Mari Lederman
Patti Gentry, and Haley Henne
(602) 282-6300
Retail Space- Diversified Partners Team
Jennifer Hill and Julie Harris
(480) 947-8800
About Diversified Partners:
Diversified Partners develops, redevelops, and owns a wide variety of commercial real estate properties. Unlike other developers, Diversified Partners has a fully qualified construction management team. The belief is that the construction process is simply too important to leave it to outsiders who may not have the same sense of commitment. From the blueprint and engineering phase forward, professionals are on site working with the general contractor and subcontractor to make sure all projects are top-quality built, on time, and on budget. The Diversified Partners team initiates strategies, reviews site plans, attends government meetings, and negotiates contracts. They think for the long-term, always planning for a proper investment mix, because the right “fit” measurably lengthens the success of a development.
Friday, September 4, 2020
Societal Store Launches New Affiliate Program Offering
Looking to earn extra income without a whole side hustle. Affiliates can earn 20% of the recurring revenue for every new customer referred to Societal Store as part of their new affiliate program offering.
Roade, Northamptonshire, United Kingdom., September 5, 2020 -- Societal Store has announced the launch of a new 20% reoccurring lifetime affiliate program.
The new affiliate program is hosted on its own affiliate tracking platform.
Societal Store’s newly-launched program will enable affiliates to promote the Societal brand.
Affiliates will also be able to benefit from a bonus revenue share commission percentage for a period of time as part of the program.
“Profit is not something to add at the end but is something planned for in the beginning”
Recognised as the original design collaborator and champion of emerging talent Societal‘s iconic brand attracts weekly visits across mobile, tablet and desktop and with shipping to more than 100 countries with a multi transactional platform
Societal’s CEO Dean Jones had the following to say about the new program launch.
“Profit is not something to add at the end but is something planned for in the beginning. The Societal Affiliate Program is geared towards building lucrative long-term partnerships with all our membered affiliates who want to make the world a better place and I am confident that affiliates will thrive off of Societal’s new affiliate program.”
Characteristics of Societal Affiliate Program
Alongside the broad range of products to market, affiliates will be able to take advantage of various benefits themselves. These include a high-percentage share, designed to help them maximise their profits. Moreover, program members will benefit from fast pay-outs and real-time analytical reporting.
Other perks for Societal Affiliates partners include regular communication and support from the affiliate team, as well as bespoke promotions and offers.
Account Manager Jody Jones added her thoughts on the Societal affiliate program.
“Societal is confident that affiliate partners will benefit and prosper from the program as the Societal affiliate program provides a long-term revenue model for affiliates to engage in their business from the outset with a 5 Year Cookie Lifespan and then once a customer has purchased an item 20% profit from all future sales.
“Societal look's forward to welcoming new affiliates into the program who will benefit from a competitive commission model.”
Enjoy a head start
Societal’s affiliate program is available in a number of languages. These include English, Dutch, Norwegian, Japanese, German and Portuguese – plus more.
To celebrate the launch of the Societal affiliate program, Societal Store is offering new partners a 20% reoccurring revenue share for life. After a period, the commission structure will revert to a 20% share of all sales.
Affiliates can take advantage of the 20% lifetime introductory revenue share offer here
1 percent of Societal’s profit is donated to charities, organisation's and causes that make the world a better place - so affiliates can look good and feel good, in the knowledge that their promoting an organization that has made a difference.
About Societal:
Societal is a socially conscious eco-friendly lifestyle brand and driving force for change. At Societal, we want the right choice to be as easy as putting on a great T-shirt. Our products and fabrics are sourced from ethical brands and suppliers that comply to labor, environmental, and safety standards. Societal connects people with the new and next of fashion, style, culture and art. We specialise in all-over screen printing and on-demand custom printed apparel and art prints. Our apparel offerings include t-shirts, tank tops, hoodies, crop-tops, sweatshirts and hats! Recognised as the original design collaborator and champion of emerging talent Societal‘s iconic brand attracts weekly visits across mobile, tablet and desktop and with shipping to more than 100 countries with a multi transactional platform Societal provides consumers, fans and followers with an unparalleled and engaging shopping experience. 1 percent of our sales profit is donated to charities, organisation's and causes that make the world a better place - so customers can look good and feel good, in the knowledge that their purchase has made a difference. Our Story – Because People Matter Societal’s founder is Dean Jones. Dean attended Central St Martins, College a public tertiary art school in London, England between 1996-2001. Dean started Societal with the simple hope of connecting people from around the world and creating wearable art that tells a story, inspires us, and reminds us that we are all connected. Dean believe's style & sustainability can coexist. Dean said "Fashion is one of the largest industrial employers of people worldwide, yet only an estimated 2% of fashion workers are paid a livable wage. We want to change that, but we know one of the quickest ways companies will change their practices is if their customers demand it. Societal has the respect and promotion of human rights at its core."